1. Getting Started

The process begins with your inquisitiveness. You may have a question that has been on your mind. Now, ask it. Or, you may be dealing with a troublesome problem that you would rather not disclose but solving it would be a huge relief. Dan is now privately employed and confidential. Test your trust of Dan, then tell him and ask for help!

2. Learning Context

Answers to challenges don’t happen quickly. Dan will want to view your circumstances and learn the philosophies of your business. The eventual strategy must make sense to you. This can only happen if the strategy is conceived in the context of your business.

3. Applying Knowledge and Experience

Adding Dan’s capabilities to the mental horsepower of your business should be beneficial. His background will be unlike yours (Professional Bio). The aim is that the resulting communication (oral and/or written) sparks a new thought, and then progress occurs!

4. Finding Missing Pieces

In most cases, new information will be needed to fill gaps in knowledge. Reading, searching, and integrating existing knowledge has been the theme of Dan’s professional career. Put his experience to work for the benefit of your business.

5. Synthesis of Solution(s)

Dan will deliver the available and relevant information condensed into a concise, targeted answer. If it is not the answer, then it will be a step-by-step strategy for getting to the answer. In other cases, the deliverable may be a standard operating procedure written by Dan.

6. Instruction

With a solution in front of you, the teaching begins. It is important to Dan that you understand why the solution makes sense. In order to accomplish your grasp of the solution, relevant principles or specific knowledge may be needed. Dan was also a teacher. This will be one-on-one or one-to-a-small-group instruction.

7. Discussion

Instruction can’t be a one-way delivery of new knowledge. Certainly, you will have questions arising from common sense or prior experience. Discussion enriches the solution. This is collaborative work.

8. Client Benefits

One benefit to your business from this process is progress. Pre-agreed-upon milestones ensure that if the process is not yielding progress, it ends. A second benefit to your business is your self-assurance. You understand the justification for the strategy and how to implement it. You won’t need to call Dan repeatedly because instead you were taught how to implement the strategy.